We can aid your department or organization in the management of its on-site organization and wellness program. Our highly skilled staff effectively blends fitness, health promotion and business skills to maximize your investment. They are specially trained in assisting employees in making and reaching their personal goals and achieving balanced lives.
We constantly examine and evaluate new trends in the health, fitness and nutrition industry and systematically evaluate new cost saving strategies for companies and new technologies to further reduce employee risk. All programs will be tailored to your needs.
On-Site Personnel
Participants have the opportunity to work one-on-one with consultants to help them determine their health and fitness goals and track progress. Our professional staff can create personalized exercise programs for your employees, or design a unique program around your company’s specific needs. In-person wellness coaching is offered to provide personal structure and support to assist the individual in creating sustainable behavior change related to health and wellness. Research has proven that having a personal coach makes a significant difference in the commitment in the participant and ultimately the success they have with the program.
Incentive Design
If desired we will help create a program based on an incentives such as paid time off, cash or other prizes. We provide program tracking and reporting.
Team Challenges
Types of contests could include:
Greatest Loser Competitions
Walking Competitions
Get Moving Competitions
Get Well Challenges
Strive for Five
For each type of competition, Pinnacle Training Systems provides participants with all materials needed to be successful.
We provide pedometers, tracking tools, body composition measures depending upon the type of contest. Because we believe in sustainable change, we suggest practical 30 min interactive seminars on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to help keep participants motivated and engaged throughout the duration of the competition.